They challenged him to produce evidence to support his allegations 他们要他拿出证据证明自己的主张。
We must produce evidence in support of our theory. 我们必须提出证据以支持我们的理论。
Article 43 The parties shall produce evidence in support of their claims. 第四十三条当事人应当对自己的主张提供证据。
Article 8 Aliens who have been invited or hired to work in China shall, when applying for visas, produce evidence of the invitation or employment. 第八条应聘或者受雇来中国工作的外国人,申请签证时,应当持有应聘或者受雇证明。
It is each company's responsibility to produce evidence that they are following good manufacturing processes, such as traceability from requirements to implementation, that they are performing sufficient testing and, additionally, that the tools used do not introduce an error into the product. 每个公司都有责任生成证明他们遵守良好的制造流程的证据(比如从需求到实现的可跟踪性),他们正在执行足够的测试,以及使用的工具不会向产品中引入错误。
The trial stopped Wednesday is the first major clinical trial to produce evidence that patients would live longer and be healthier if they did so. 周三结束的这项实验是第一个证明了感染者在接受治疗之后可以活得更长、更健康的大型临床试验。
But they would also need to produce evidence of value of the lost amenities. 但他们也需要举证说明,失去的宜人性到底有哪些价值。
The company reserves the right to require the contractor, its subcontractor s, their respective employees, servants and agents to produce acceptable evidence of identification such as a valid passport, identity card or driving license. 业主有权要求承包商、其分包商及其各自员工、雇员和代理人出示诸如有效通行证、身份证或驾驶证等可接受的身份证明。
If your Lordship will give me time, I will produce the evidence. 如果阁下愿意给我时间,我就能拿出证据来。
The purpose of the work of the Task Forces and Working Groups is to produce evidence that will impact on and accelerate action on improving the workforce. 专题组和工作组的主要任务是提供决策依据,促使各国加快行动,加强卫生人力资源工作。
They've been required to produce evidence proving that a specific event caused their PTSD. 他们被要求提供证据,证实非凡的事件造成他们患PTSD。
If it does not indicate the land user, the applicant for using the land should be required to produce evidence on the actual land user, and the actual land user should be the taxpayer. 审批文件中未标明用地人的,应要求申请用地人举证实际用地人,实际用地人为纳税人;
And should offer relevant proof, otherwise house property trades the center does not give do produce evidence. 而且要提供相关证实,否则房产交易中心不给办产证。
In processing a claim for payment, claimant is required to produce evidence in accordance with the reason of withdrawal. 在处理申索付款时,索偿人必须根据其申索理由出示有关证明文件以供查证。
Some studies have failed to produce clear evidence to support treatment after three hours. 一些研究并不能明确地支持3个小时后的治疗效果。
The judge can then authorize their being detained for eight more days, meaning police have that much time to produce evidence. 检察官说,他们被拘禁的时间将不超过9天,这期间意味着警方要提供更多的证据。
A lengthy police investigation didn't produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted. 警方的长期调查并未发现任何能证明疑犯有罪的证据。
Every day organizations are required to produce evidence for litigation or to provide documentation to regulatory agencies to prove they are complying with their regulations. 每天,组织都需要生成可供诉讼使用的证据,或需要向管制机构提供文档以证明他们符合相关法规。
People who believe they are determined will produce the evidence to support the belief, and they increasingly feel victimized and out of control. 相信决定论的人会找出证据来支持这样的信念,他们逐渐相信自己是受害的,是失控的。
Can you produce any evidence that he was not at home that night? 你能不能提供证据,证明他那天晚上不在家?
Obligation to prove that what one says is true About the criminal burden of proof view, Great Britain American and French department adopt, "the theory of hierarchically", divide into responsibility that produce evidence and persuade responsibility. 关于刑事证明责任观,英美法系采取分层说分为提供证据的责任和说服责任。
If you could produce evidence of his death, you could produce no evidence against this lady, beyond the one fact that she had a powerful motive for getting rid of him. 即使你拿得出他死亡的证据,可除了她有摆脱他的强烈动机这一事实外,你也拿不出控告这位夫人的证据。
A scientist must produce evidence in supporting of a theory 科学家必须提出证据以支持其理论
Objective: evaluate the change of blood glucose in neonatal asphyxia to produce evidence for therapy. 目的:了解窒息新生儿血糖变化特点,为治疗提供依据。
In return, they will have to produce evidence of good governance. 作为回报,两国必须提出实行良治的证据。
Article 38 The parties shall produce evidence in support of the facts on which their claim, defense or counterclaim is based. 第三十八条当事人应当对其申请、答辩和反请求所依据的事实提出证据。
WLAN sniffer is the basement of WLAN monitor and control and it can produce evidence of network crime. WLAN监听是对WLAN进行监控和对利用WLAN实施网络犯罪活动进行侦察和取证的基础。
The system of being deprived of the right to produce evidence is a double edged sword. On the one hand, it can improve litigation efficiency. 证据失权制度是一把双刃剑,一方面可以提高诉讼效率,另方面可以损害实体正义。
When processing not good structure question, when produce evidence is indefinite and incompletely, using inspiration based on experiences knowledge technology, promotes the reliable degree conclusion. 在处理不良结构问题,即所给出的证据不确定和不完全时,使用以经验为基础的启发性知识技术,推出结论的可靠程度。
First of all you should establish judicial recognition mechanism, the parties concerned produce evidence to prove the authenticity of the contents of folk law and correlation, the judge based on this judge recognition, and confirmed. 首先就应该建立司法识别机制,当事人举证证明民间法内容的真实性与相关性,法官在此基础上进行判断识别,并且得到确认。